- Windows Exhibition 2011 Madden Museum
- Window Exhibition 2011 Madden Museum Paintings by Don Sahli 2011 Fra Angelico Artist of the Year and Sculpture by Andi Mascarenas
- Opening Gala of Windows Exhibition 2011 Madden Museum Artists Ron Hicks and Karen Vance with Collectors
- Opening Gala Windows to the Divine Exhibition 2011 Madden Museum Artist Quang Ho with Collectors and Dominicans
- Windows to the Divine Exhibition 2011 Madden Museum
- Opening Gala Windows to the Divine Exhibition 2011 Don Sahli 2011 Fra Angelico Artist of the Year
- Opening Gala Windows Exhibition 2011 Artist Ben Victor with award winning Michael Best of Show
- Opening Gala Windows Exhibition 2011 Board Member Anna Maria Larsen with Coors Family
- Windows Exhibition 2011 Madden Museum Quang Ho Drifted Southwest Art Magazine Editor Award of Excellence
- Opening Gala 2011 Dominican Novices
Photos by Ken Juliano