- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception at Gallery 1261, Opening Wall with Sold Work by Adrienne Stein, Fra Angelico Artist of the Year (center) with C4C Collectors, Christy Mardesen (left) and Lee Mardesen (right)
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, 2023, Gallery 1261
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception Award Ceremony, 2023, Gallery 1261
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Shannon Robinson and Adrienne Stein, Fra Angelico Artist of he Year, with glass sculpture award by Kit Karbler
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Shannon Robinson with Stephanie Hartshorn, SWA Best of Show Award for Behind the Curtain
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Presentation to Marilyn Coors, Patron Award, Painting by Adrienne Stein, Fra Angelico Artist of the Year (left to right)
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Marilyn and Pete Coors, Event Benefactors
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Board Member Anna Maria Larsen (center), C4C Collectors, Larry and Cindy Burns
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Alyssa Law, Dr. Dennis Law, Quang Ho with Liam Ho (left to right)
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Daniel Sprick and Jen Starling
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Peter Trippi, Editor-in-Chief, Fine Art Connoisseur with Ron Richmond, FAC Best of Show Award
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Co-Chairperson, Kelley Fink with Andy Fink
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, C4C Collectors, John Corkery, Pam Piro and Dara Corkery (left to right)
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Jill Soukup and Ann Gargotto (left to right)
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Cuban Fare by Cuba Cuba
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Artists Kelly Birkenruth, Twin Sisters, Emily Olson and Anna Rose Bain, Kathy Anderson
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Rev. Andrew Carl Wisdom, O.P., Vincent Xeus, Rev. Patrick Baikauskas, O.P.
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Ron Richmond Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine, Best of Show for jj werts with water
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Sherri Way, Terrie Lombardi and Trevor Garner (left to right)
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Stephanie Hartshorn, SWA Best of Show Winner in front of Behind the Curtain
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Vincent Xeus with Marilyn and Pete Coors, Event Benefactors
- Beauty & Spirit Opening Reception, Artists Stephanie Hartshorn, Jane Hunt, Kathy Anderson (left to right)
- Beauty & Spirit C4C Collector Salon, Presentation by Shannon Robinson
- Beauty & Spirit C4C Collector Salon, Presentation by Adrienne Stein, Fra Angelico Artist of the Year
- Beauty & Spirit C4C Collector Salon, Presentation by Peter Trippi, Editor-in-Chief, Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine, Gallery 1261, Oct 13, 2023
- Beauty & Spirit C4C Private Tour w European Curator, Angelica Daneo, Denver Art Museum, Oct 13, 2023
- Beauty & Spirit C4C Private Tour w European Curator, Angelica Daneo, Denver Art Museum, Oct 13, 2023
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